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Michele Welcome speaks to Supplement Judge

For our first ever interview at Supplement Judge we were very lucky and privileged to speak to the 2011 WBFF Runner-up Pro Figure World Champion Michele Welcome. In this interview we will gain an insight into what it takes to become an athlete competing at the highest standard!

Could you tell us a bit about yourself and your background

I’m the 2011 WBFF Runner-up Pro Figure World Champion with a passion for health and fitness. I also host a fitness radio show Live every Tuesday at 9pm EST on http://ftns.co radio and am the Director of U.S. and International Sales for the supplement company API (www.apixtreme.com).


How long have you been training for?

I’ve been an athlete all my life but have been competing for 10 years beginning as a national level natural bodybuilder from 2002-2005 and then a (natural) Figure competitor from 2005-present.

How did you get started in training?

I started training right after college to maintain health and fitness but it wasn’t until I saw a friend at 48 years old step on stage and do a natural bodybuilding show that I decided to start training for shows myself.

Who got you motivated to start training?

I enjoyed the challenge of trying something new and competitive where my efforts directly affected the outcome.

What are your short and long term fitness goals?

Short term – win the 2012 WBFF Pro Figure World Title; Long-term, continue hosting my fitness radio show but on a larger scale. Perhaps t.v.

What workout routine has worked best for you?

Less focus on heavy lifting and more emphasis on intensity and total body conditioning.

What is your favourite form of cardio for cutting bodyfat?


Could you outline your basic daily diet?

Diets are individual and food is fuel for workouts. So because of the intensity of my training, I eat six meals a day. I focus on SOLID FOODS and REAL FOOD. I don’t eliminate food groups and will eat starches, vegetables, fruits, and fats every day.

Do you use supplements? If so, what do you recommend?

I use all natural supplements such as Vitamin C, D, E, calcium, fish oil, organic super greens, branch chain amino acids, and my favourite supplement that works hands down the best of all is glutamine (The API brand of course!).

Do you have post/pre-workout meals? What’s your favourite?

I always make sure to have fuel in me regardless of whether I am doing cardio or weights. Post workout I will make sure to get in a protein shake with glutamine within 30 minutes and then have a solid meal about an hour or so later. IF I can’t get in the protein shake within 30 minutes I’ll be sure to at least get in BCAAs (I always have them on me)

How do you deal with cravings for junk food, sweets and salty foods?

I look forward to a reward meal on the weekends with dessert so I don’t feel deprived. On weekdays if I’m starving during the day, I’ll have a cup of coffee or a piece of gum and that curbs the appetite.

Do you have any cheat meals?

I prefer to call it a reward but yes, weekly, and I always make sure it’s with foods that have nutritional value. I don’t splurge on junk food because it’s not fuel for my workouts and it’s more toxic for your body than anything. So my reward last weekend was panko crusted halibut with 3 spinach raviolis, bread with spiced oil, beet salad with vinaigrette dressing, and for dessert 3 homemade sugar cookies.

What is your biggest motivation to get you back in the gym?

Winning 🙂

If you could go back in time, what would you change in your training?

When I first started training I was working with someone who focused on really heavy lifting. I popped a few ribs during this time and still have to be careful with my shoulders when working my chest today. Also, I know now that I don’t need a lot of cardio to get “cut” for a show so those days of double sessions of cardio would be erased as well. Balance is key.

Any advice for beginners or anyone looking to get back into fitness?

Research your options and run for the hills if a trainer wants you to eat bland foods, the same foods every day, do double sessions of cardio, and suggests any illegal supplements. Fitness should focus on health FIRST and competing SECOND. Don’t lose yourself and make time for friends and family as well.

Anything else you’d like to add?

You can support my road to the 2012 Pro Figure World Championships by joining my fan page http://www.facebook.com/FigureProMicheleWelcome where I post updates, tips, motivation, and weekly blog posts including a Video of the Week post via my YouTube channel (Michele Welcome). I also have a website, http://www.michelewelcome.com where you can find more info on me as well and follow me on Twitter @MicheleWelcome too..

About admin

Owner and founder of Supplement Judge

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