I started lifting at the age of 11 at my secondary school in Birmingham. My Dad and Uncle were Powerlifters, I don;t remember the exact time I decided I was going to lift, I just remember being really determined I wanted to do it! I moved from Birmingham when I was 18 to train full-time in Leeds, that was back in 2011. I was there until April 2013 when I decided to move with to live with my boyfriend in North Wales where I am now working full time as a classroom assistant in a Primary school, and training around my job. Can be a bit tricky sometimes!
How long have you been training for?
8 and a half years!
How did you get started in training?
I started at the age of 11, I had an overwhelming desire to get involved in the Sport, even though at that age I had no idea what it would really involve and where it would lead me!
Who got you motivated to start training?
I would say my Dad, Uncle and also my Grandad. I remember how much my Grandad encouraged me to try lifting out and at that age I think I believed I could be absolutely anything!
Short term-to get back to the fitness and better than before I got injured badly in April 2012. Long term? To make my country proud on international platforms.
I now train 4-5 times a week around my job. I used to train full-time so was in the gym 9-11 times a week, but with a funding cut work has had to take some priority!
I do not include Cardio in my routine.
Could you outline your basic daily diet?
I will have Weetabix sometimes with fruit for breakfast. With my job it’s not possible for me to eat until lunchtime so I struggle a bit after half 10 until 12 with my hunger! I will then have about 100g of pasta with chicken, salad, cheese, and fruit. I’m then not able to eat again until I finish work so I usually have something to eat before I go training-this could be anything from a sandwich to a full meal depending on how much time I have in the evening! Then I will go training and have a full meal inthe evening, e.g. chicken, potatoes and veg etc. Nothing particularly exciting, just as much as my tummy can handle as I am trying to increase my bodyweight from 45kg to 48kg to fill my weight class. Due to a funding cut I have had to stop using supplements as they are just unaffordable at the moment!
Sadly I am not in a position to pay out for supplements like I used to when I had some financial help-but when I am able to again I will more than likely go back to using Maximuscle. It is batch tested and safe for tested athletes to use as well as the obvious benefits.
Do you have post/pre-workout meals? What’s your favourite?
I eat whatever is available after a session, it’s usually gone 9pm when I am getting back from the gym so whatever is going! But I eat very well generally, I don’t eat junk food, mainly because I just prefer ‘proper’ food, but also because of the health and training benefits from a good diet! I love chicken, fish, red meat, white/sweet potatoes, pasta, rice, all veg/salad and fruit-I’m not THAT fussy!
How do you deal with cravings for junk food, sweets and salty foods?
I am in a lucky position where I am trying to increase my weight, howver that doesn’t mean I can eat ridiculously! I only really crave chocolate-I rarely eat crisps or chips or burgers etc.. I have never been into that kind of food really! Every now and then maybe but generally I have a healthy appetite for good food. Except chocolate. That’s my weakness and I must admit I’m not great at controlling it!
If I feel like I want a KFC or a curry, for example, I won’t even think twice. I train hard and don’t have to watch my weight in terms of getting too heavy. But I rarely want to eat things like that and if I do it will be a one off where it is just more convenient at the time!
What is your biggest motivation to get you into the gym when you’re feeling a little ‘off’?
When I think about how close yet how far I always seem to be and how hungy I am for success! Once I’m in the swing of things in training I do enjoy it. Obviously there are days when I am just too tired from work and completely drained, but I will have plenty of time to avoid the gym AFTER my Weightlifting career. I’d rather be stood on a platform with a smile on my face because my hard work has paid off rather than tears in my eyes because I didn’t do enough!
Have you ever had any serious injuries from training or otherwise? If so, how did they affect your training?
Only serious in the sense I have had to pull out of competitions etc-never something dangerous. I badly injured my ankle and elbow in April 2012 which messed up my training big-time and cost me the chance to try and qualify for selection for the Games last year. BUT its the best way to learn a hard lesson. I have only within the last two months been training properly since that injury, so now I am more determined than ever to make up for lost time.
Any advice for beginners or anyone looking to get back into fitness?
As a beginner in weightlifting – enjoy it. One thing I think I didn’t do enough was enjoy it at times because I put so much pressure on MYSELF that when things went wrong, it was like the end of the world! Now I have changed my lifestyle and my attitude a bit, I am enjoying training again so much more and I know that I will get the positive buzz from competing back again! Persistance is another one. Sometimes I think my persistance outweighs my talent by a lot! Talent only gets you so far, but persistance will take you that little bit further, no matter how many times you get knocked back, get back up and keep going!
I think I have rambled on enough!
You can stay updated on Hannah’s progress through her twitter account @hannahpowell92.