#gymproblem no. 28589: chugging the same-old post-workout protein shake gets a little boring after a while. Know that feel? Then again, maybe you’re looking for new ways to add some extra protein to your diet – or, y’know, you just like food. Whatever your reason for reading this piece, I hope it results in a satisfied tum or two.
Because here’s the thing: protein powder is magic. You can add it to all kinds of weird and wonderful things and take normal, everyday recipes – smoothies, baked goods, omelettes, pancakes – and add an extra punch to it with little or no difference to the taste.
Here’s a few little recipes I’ve used over and over (and over) again to get you started – that is, three great meals or snacks that should give any of our more kitchen-shy readers a sense of how they can turn an everyday staple into food porn!

- 30g of a neutral-tasting protein powder (I use Pulsin Natural Soy Protein - it takes the sharp edge off the fruit and makes it all a little creamier).
- 200ml milk (I use Alpro light soy milk or almond milk).
- 1/2 a ripe banana, chopped.
- As many frozen berries as you want - frozen summer fruit medleys are cheap to buy and taste rather amazing!
- Put everything in a blender. Whizz it up. Enjoy.
- By all means experiment with the ratio of liquid to solids, but personally I think it's best when it's solid enough that you need to eat it with a spoon.

- 80g wholewheat flour
- 50g Pulsin Natural Soy Protein (or a protein powder of your choice)
- 1 tsp baking powder
- 2 tbsp caster sugar (or Stevia)
- 130ml milk
- 1 large egg, lightly beaten
- Butter (or FryLight spray) for cooking
- Sift the dry ingredients into a large bowl. In a separate bowl or jug, lightly whisk together the milk and egg.
- Pour the milk mixture into the flour mixture and, using a whisk, beat until you have a smooth batter. Let the batter stand for a few minutes.
- Heat a non-stick frying pan over a medium heat and add a knob of butter or a squirt of FryLight. When heated, add a ladle of batter. It will seem very thick but this is how it should be! Wait until the top of the pancake begins to bubble, then turn it over and cook until both sides are golden brown and the pancake has risen to about 1cm (½in) thick.
- Repeat until all the batter is used up (no-brainer). Stack. Share if you're feeling generous.
- Top with maple syrup, berries, bacon ('Murican style), lemon and sugar, Nutella, PB ... you get my drift. They're pancakes. They're awesome with everything on top.

- 2 tbsp oil (grapeseed oil is pretty excellent)
- 4 tbsp milk (skimmed or almond, if you're cutting calories)
- 1 tbsp Stevia
- 2 tbsp wholewheat flour
- 1 scoop chocolate protein powder (I use Maxitone Definity Protein Plus)
- Start with the liquid ingredients in a mug. Add the dry ingredients one by one, mixing well as you go until you get a smooth batter.
- Microwave for approximately 2 minutes - or until it has risen and solidified enough to look like a cake in a mug! Cool for a little while, then squirrel away into a comfy corner and enjoy.